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The TEL MOOC blog is about distance learning opportunities for parents and children. Online learning allows people to get instant access to learning materials and courses. You can find the latest articles and resources to stay up to date.

Have a look at trending online courses that or aimed at promoting your newborn child’s health and sleep quality. Platforms such as Coursera and FutureLearn offer short and affordable learning programs that will help you to identify issues that may be affecting your child’s development.

Healthy nutrition is at the heart of every child’s development. It is important for parents to be aware of their child’s nutritional requirements at every stage of development. Many families in the US lack the knowledge and food security to tend to their children’s nutritional needs. There are many free online courses that offer free nutritional advice.

You can access YouTube channels, blogs, podcasts, and online educational platforms to download free resources and learning materials that will provide you with useful parenting advice. Follow the Institution of Child Nutrition for free educational resources.

Learn about the benefits of online courses. These types of programs can give parents an opportunity to spend more time with their children. Moreover, courses are highly accessible and much more cost-effective than traditional classroom courses. Consequently, online learning can save you a lot of time and money.

The evolution of online learning has changed the way we look at parental care. Parents now have access to a vast amount of information and educational resources at the click of a button. Find out how access to the Internet has changed the way your children go about sourcing and gathering information.

Look at trending webinar topics online concerning parental care. The chances are that you might find a relatable subject that will add value to your child-rearing efforts.